Time to write

My new year’s goal was set in early January, and I have fallen short of maintaining this blog daily. This morning, I revisited my goal setting post from early this year, and it has given me encouragement in a few areas needing attention in my life.

This has been a year of new beginnings. It’s been a year that will be one we will look back at as formative in so many ways. My new habits have in large part involved, and revolved around my new business venture. I’ve learned incredible things this year as a business owner, father, husband and child of our Heavenly Father. However along with all these great new things, structure for daily/weekly routine has been needed.

Monday mornings will become a jumping-off point for re-establishing my blog. It will be my place to get the inspirational juices flowing, and to stretch muscles that need to be toned a bit.

Thanks for hanging in there with me.


So much hope.

It’s tough to imagine my life without my wife and kids now. If not for them, I wonder what lens I would view the world through. Through my relationship with them, my view of world events has taken many turns. I have been all things from overprotective and scared for the lives of my children, to defiant and at times militant against a brutal and controlling world of negativity.

Just yesterday, a neighbor recollected a discouraging comment from a family member. Something along the lines of “…it would be tough to feel good about bringing a child into the world today”. I’ve seen this point of view with great simpathy.

Part of me wants to look at today’s world with sorrow, disappointment, and at times, downright disgust. As bad as it seems, there have been people feeling similarly for generations. Ponderings from the past and present – “How have we strayed so far from God” and “Jesus has to be on his way soon” or “Things just can’t get much worse…”

In this journey of life, we have taken the not-so-easy road to homeschool our children. To be clear, there has been a place for public education, and there still is. The decision to do so may have been hatched during one of my “militant” phases, but it is a decision we do not look upon with regret. In the last year, never has it been more apparent we are on the right track. Through this process, there is a sense of hope seldom found anywhere else. Ownership, responsibility, commitment, courtesy, faithfulness. These are just a few of the values missing from many vocabularies today.

When we attend gatherings of families today who are choosing to take on the leadership, and lost lexicon of true education, I am blown away. What we are witnessing is as close to revolutionary as I can imagine, yet so naturally and biblically basic. The love poured out upon our children through the hard work of loving parents is the baseline of humanity.

A true measure of time

The sun sets, the sun rises. Another day, another blessing-

There are observable milestones in Gods natural law that we use to build our calendar, schedule our life, and plan our future. The moon changes phase, the leaves change, days become short, then long again. We rest on the seventh day, ’cause Dad showed us how.

History and the true measure of time, depends on more than this. When we think back upon our life, or world history, the day is only given meaning by the events of man. Natural disasters are given meaning only because we are here to observe, react, and at times mourn.

As goes the old adage: If a tree falls in the forest… It is not so much the hearing of the tree that matters, it is the experience of witnessing and recalling that event that defines that moment in time. It is the age of the hiker’s children, the car he drove to the trail head, among other things.

Events, achievements, but above all, birth of new life give us an understandable and relevant timeline to this journey through time and space. It is in this context that we can better understand how time can seemingly fly, or drag depending upon our environmental exposure.

Here is to full days and a fully defined life-



Been at this new routine for a month now. I don’t quite qualify it as a habit yet. The level of commitment, I am finding myself unnerved when looking back at the previous day’s post. I find typos, missing words, and half thoughts. My Donald Trump post from last night was the second attempt. The first was longer, and better, but I hit something and deleted the original.

The original goal in my year of daily blogs was morning posts, but they have bled into the late evenings lately. My eyes and brain have been half shut, however there have been some interesting posts put down.

A blog can be something that you do when you are inspired. You may rarely feel inspired with this mindset. However, a blog can be something that you do every day, and you find that you are always contemplating something or another. This something may, or may not be of interest to anyone, but the act of putting it on record is an effort worthwhile, but only if you believe in it.

I took a moment tonight to review some early posts from the time this blog was started. The ideas that wisp through my mind regularly are caught, and put on “paper” for future inspiration, or simply to record something of interest.

Anyway, I’ll keep chugging and maybe get back into morning inspiration again. Gonna get some sleep now.


The art of stalling

There is something to be said about delaying decision or commitment. Various successful tactics are executed during a stall.

The same goes for listening rather than talking. You learn more from others, than you do running your own mouth. It can be hard to commit to not committing. One has to have the patience to wait out the storm – this comes easier with time and age. It has taken me years to learn the hard lessons of putting my foot in my mouth.

As only experience will teach, “haste makes waste”. We often have very good gut instinct as situations arise, although our tactic may be off due to excitement. We get worked up and say something we don’t need to, or commit too soon to one side or another. 

A great quote I heard today: “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say no to almost everything.” – Warren Buffet.

Good advise in this age of overachievement.


Stumbling block 

While reading a daily devotional in the restroom at work, it crossed my mind whether or not to leave the book on the toilet tank. The book could be an encouragement to others, leading them to pick it up and read. This small act could lead a coworker to be more curious about the Word, and ultimately lead them to Christ.

The action of leaving the book behind could also have a different effect. It could offend others, bring personal beliefs in the workplace into question, and lead to very divisive ends. I chose not to leave the book.

At what point do you risk a hard line and potentially offensive tact for good intentions, when more subtle but constant encouragement may be more in line with God’s grace and love?  Good and honest work by believers speaks to the heart of those who witness. There can be no harm in this.

We are commanded to work hard, but not for things of this world. May our deeds at work and at home reflect the love, patience, and kindness that we so derelict cherish.


Regressive advancement – post 1

So I’m still counting this post as 2/3/2016- getting forty winks and a post in before morning meetings. A good time to start some thoughts, and begin my first series.

Had a thought today – what about being a stumbling block? We do our darnedest not to offend, trip up, or cause strife in all different areas of a given day. This has to be done with wisdom and common sense. However – and these virtues seem to be out the window in our modern and “advancing” social climate. Are folks begining to stumble over us, while we are removing imaginary blocks?

I’ve been witnessing what appears to be the regression of social stigmas and tendencies. Imagined blocks seem to be everywhere. It has become a full time job for some, to run from one fictional block to another while causing 62-car pile ups in the freeway.

Moving to the south, I’ve had varying experiences at work, in public, in the news, etc. I’d like to share some observations from a personal perspective. Should be good. Risky, but good.
